Welcome to HQ Central for the Wolverine Commandos Airsoft Team
On this site you will find:
-Discussion forums for all airsoft related topics.
-Pictures from past events.
-Articles about everything from buying guns to basic tactics.
-Qualifications for joining the Wolverine Commandos.
-Updates for the next game, training event, or firefight with opposing teams.
Wolverine Commandos Mission Statement:
The Wolverine Commandos airsoft team seeks to be a clean, quality, professional men's airsoft team that dominates all combat fields, overcomes all challenges and obliterates all obstacles while continually growing as a unit and as individuals.
TEAM styles
I like facing the same team all day (52)
I like switching up every game (35)
I like switching up every few games (35)
I don't care as long as things are balanced (37)
Total votes: 195
What kind of organization to you like most?
Pre-organized schedule that moves quickly from one game to the next (39)
No official schedule with longer pauses inbetween rounds and votes/discussion on what to do next (32)
A progressive theme/story based series of games (34)
Lots of different random games (27)
Total votes: 162
What is your favorite type of combat field?
Woodland, thick (lots of undergrowth) (33)
Woodland, mature (mostly big trees and minimal undergrowth) (53)
Open Field (35)
Scrub/brush (39)
Total votes: 202
What is the best camo for the Central Maryland area?
Old-style M81 woodland BDU (43)
ACU/ UCP (24)
Multi-Cam (25)
Mossy Oak (or other hunters camo) (35)
Other (33)
Total votes: 186
- Jan. 13th, New Article: "How to Un-Jam an Airsoft Gun"
- Jan. 13th, New Article: "How to Clean Your Airsoft Gun Barrel"